Wednesday, November 05, 2008

It's been awhile...

It has been awhile since my last post. My very active boys have kept us busy in the medical sense. Luke swallowed a penny and since it was lodged we had the joy of spending the night at Egleston and having an IV inserted. Poor thing! It was horrible. It took 3 people to hold him down and that does not count the one inserting the IV and me over his head trying to calm him down. The nurses in the ER said he was the strongest 3 year old they have ever had in there. So, I do see a little UGA football in our future... :o) Praise God, the penny went down into his stomach that morning so we avoided surgery and were able to go home.

Then, poor Matthew slipped in the bathroom after bath time and landed right on his face. I knew when he fell, it was not good. We eventually had to go to the dentist and they had to pull the two top teeth. He did well and resembled a pumpkin just in time for Halloween. On the other hand, Lydia's bottom front two teeth have come in and she looks so cute with those little teeth poking out. She is now 7 months old and rolling all over the place. She lifts up like she is about to take off but so far, no crawling and I am thankful for that. So, to get back on are some pixs of the kiddos from Halloween!
My little ladybug
Darth Vader or "Doctor" Vader as Matthew called it
Luke as Spider-Man
Then Peter Parker
the boys

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